Pastoral Care – Godly Play
Part of the Pastoral Care Department's ministry includes a special program for children called Godly Play.
Godly Play storytelling is offered to the children (ages 3-12) Monday through Friday each week. There are two ways to encounter Godly Play. The first is by attending Children's Chapel which meets every Wednesday at 3 p.m. on the 4th floor of Wolfson Children's Hospital in the Children's Chapel. Another way to experience Godly Play is through a trained story-teller who comes directly to the patient's room with a story to share. The storyteller makes rounds daily to patient rooms. In addition, a parent can request our Religious Educator to come to a room simply by calling the Pastoral Care Department at .
Godly Play is a method of telling stories with simple, three-dimensional wood figures and pieces of felt material cut out to represent parts of the story. The stories allow the children to express and develop their own spirituality through the open-endedness of the "I wonder" questions after the story. Each child's response is treated seriously and with deep respect. Founder Jerome Berryman would say that in Godly Play, children discover who God is and are not told who God is.
After the story, the Art Response Time is another opportunity for the children to express what they are thinking and feeling. The children can also "work" with the story allowing another opportunity for expression of spirituality.