Pediatric Cardiovascular Center
The Pediatric Cardiovascular Center provides state of the art care for infants, children, adolescents and adults with congenital heart problems. This program is a joint venture between Wolfson Children's Hospital and the University of Florida. It serves a large population base that covers central and northeast Florida, the Panhandle and southeast Georgia. The Cardiovascular Center includes multiple subspecialists in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery that provide a full complement of care from prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects, neonatal surgery for complex anomalies, interventional treatment of congenital heart disease to advanced treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. Physicians are supported by a highly dedicated and experienced core of nurses and nurse practitioners. In-patient care is provided at Wolfson Children's Hospital.
The services provided at the Pediatric Cardiovascular Center include:
- Congenital Heart Surgery
- General Cardiology
- Evaluation of heart murmurs
- Evaluation of chest pain and syncope
- Preventive Cardiology
- Evaluation and management of hyperlipidemia
- Evaluation and management of hypertension
- Echocardiography
- Transthoracic echocardiography
- Transesophageal echocardiography
- Intracardiac echocardiography
- Rhythm disturbances
- Management of cardiac rhythm problems
- Radio Frequency ablation
- Automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators
- Permanent pacemakers
- Exercise Stress Testing
- Microvolt T-wave alterans Testing
- Interventional Cardiology
- Balloon dilation of vessels and valves
- Coil embolization of abnormal vessels
- Device closure of atrial septal defects, patent foramen ovale and patent ductus arteriosus
- Stents for arterial stenoses
- Fetal Cardiology
- Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects including parental counseling
- Surgical treatment of congenital heart defects from newborns to adults
Catheterization Laboratory
The catheterization laboratory of the Children's Heart Center has undergone a major renovation, including placement of the GEHealthcare Innova 2121. Procedures in the new lab will mean less exposure to radiographic dyes and X-rays, shorter time under sedation or anesthesia, and access to new technology for patients and their families in Florida and southeast Georgia.
Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
The board-certified cardiothoracic surgeons perform reconstructive surgery on congenital anomalies ranging from simple to the very complex in infants, children, and adults. We have clinical experience with a variety of heart defects in neonates, infants and children including:
- Ventricular septum defects
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- Transposition of the great arteries
- Aortic and mitral valve disease including the Ross operation
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
- Tetrology of Fallot
- Atrioventricular canal defects
- Double-outlet RV
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Truncus arteriosus
- Single ventricle palliation including Glenn shunts and the Fontan operation
- Ebstein's anomaly
- Vascular rings
- Pediatric non-cardiac thoracic operations including pectus deformities
Using advanced and innovative techniques, like extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a team of dedicated pediatric anesthesiologists, pediatric perfusionists, operating room nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants assists the cardiac surgery team, and pediatric intensive care nurses.
Transplant Cardiology
Heart and heart/lung transplantation are provided through University of Florida Gainesville (Program Director Kenneth O. Schowengerdt, MD).