Childrens Rehabilitation - Speech Therapy
Contact Info |
Central RegistrationTo Schedule your Child's First Appointment
A Referral Form, completed by your child's physician, is required.
- Is your child a late-talker?
- Are you the only person that can understand what your child says?
- Does your child stutter?
- Does your child drool excessively or have difficulty with feeding or swallowing?
- Does he or she have difficulty following instructions, or have difficulty communicating?
- Does your child have a voice problem or is he hearing-impaired?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, your child may need help. Early intervention and appropriate treatment by licenced Speech-Language Pathologist can make a difference. 
Speech therapy may also be indicated if your child was a premature birth, has a developmental delay, cleft palate, seizures, neurologic or a genetic disorder, congenital birth defect, hearing loss, hoarse voice, or gastrointestinal disorder.
The Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists at Wolfsons Children's Hospital specialize in the evaluation and treatment of infants and children who need assistance with speech, language, voice, stuttering, communication, feeding or oral motor difficulties.
If you suspect a problem, ask your physician for a prescription for a speech therapy evaluation and treatment. Call our central registration office at . We have conveniently located clinics in Downtown Jacksonville, and at the Beaches, Mandarin, and in Orange Park.
A "print friendly" brochure about Wolfson Children's Rehabilitation Services is provided here for your convenience.