Handwriting Skills
Handwriting Club
Contact Info |
Central RegistrationTo Schedule your Child's First Appointment
A Referral Form, completed by your child's physician, is required.
What is the Handwriting Club?
Handwriting is a complex task requiring a child to coordinate vision, hearing and fine motor skills to produce legible written work. Small group, multi-sensory classes encourage the acquisition of handwriting skills through the use of arts, crafts and movement activities. Wolfson Children's Rehabilitation's Handwriting Club is led by a registered pediatric occupational therapist with expertise in the development of growing hands.
Write Foundations!
- Designed especially for three- to four-year-olds
- Emphasis on development of fine motor skills
to build the foundation for later writing skills
- Teaches correct pencil grasp
Write Beginnings!
- Focuses on basic printing skills
- Introduces letters of the alphabet
- Establishes good writing habits
- Teaches correct letter formation and sequencing
Write On Track!
- Helps develop and refine printing skills
- Teaches letter spacing and placement on lined paper
- Facilitates development of mature grasp
- Aids in increasing writing speed
Write On!
- Focuses on cursive writing skills
- Teaches correct letter formation and placement on lined paper
- Introduces strategies for writing sentences and paragraphs
- Required to ensure children are placed in the appropriate class for their developmental level
- Approximately 20 - 30 minutes
- Offered at various locations
Click herefor a Handwriting Club brochure.