Topic Index
The Heart
Diagnosing and Evaluating Heart Disease in Children
Heart Murmurs
Heart Failure
Congenital Heart Disease
Marfan Syndrome
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Bacterial Endocarditis
Kawasaki Disease
Problems Affecting the Coronary Arteries and Blood Vessels
Problems Involving Heart Rhythm
Heart Transplantation
Online Resources
Most people only think of middle-aged adults or the elderly as being affected by heart disease. Children are usually thought of as having healthy hearts. Yet, eight out of every 1,000 babies born in the US are born with a congenital heart abnormality. Nearly one million people living in the US were born with a congenital heart defect.
Risk factors that contribute to coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases (such as smoking, lack of exercise, and high cholesterol levels) often begin at an early age. About 4.5 million children, ages 12 to 17, are already smokers. Nearly half of children ages 12 to 21 do not exercise on a daily basis, and an estimated 8.8 million (about 30 percent) US children ages six to 19 are obese.
Some heart problems experienced by children, such as most cases of congenital (present at birth) heart defects, can be treated medically or surgically, but cannot be prevented. However, heart-healthy living habits started at an early age - sensible eating, keeping cholesterol levels low, getting regular exercise, refraining from smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight - greatly diminish the risks of other cardiovascular problems such as stroke, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease developing in adulthood.