Our Partners
In addition to comprehensive facilities, Wolfson has an extensive partnership network that includes pediatricians and family practice physicians at Nemours Children's Clinic, the University of Florida, Brooks Rehabilitation Clinic and Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. These partnerships provide our patients with access to physicians in every specialty and subspecialty of children's medicine. They also have resulted in the creation of programs with services more comprehensive than those available at any single institution, such as the joint adult/pediatric bone marrow transplant program developed by Baptist Health, Wolfson, Nemours and Mayo.
The Community Enhances Our Work
Our collaborations also include efforts with community organizations. Community Hospice of Northeast Florida and Wolfson have developed a program that is providing treatments to meet the quality-of-life needs of children with life-shortening and life-threatening conditions.
Dreams Come True fulfills wishes of children living in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia who are battling life-threatening illnesses. Unique because 100 percent of the contributions from the public go to granting children's wishes, the Jacksonville-based organization offers a momentary reprieve from the rigors of medical treatment often associated with life-threatening illnesses.
Children's Miracle Network (CMN) is dedicated to improving the health and welfare of all children by raising funds and awareness for the pediatric programs at Wolfson Children's Hospital and Shands Jacksonville. CMN hospitals treat over 177 million children each year; one hundred percent of all funds raised locally stay here to improve the health care for children in our own community.
SafeKids Northeast Florida Safe Kids Northeast Florida is a local chapter of Safe Kids Florida, a member of Safe Kids Worldwide. Safe Kids Northeast Florida was founded in 2003 with Wolfson Children's Hospital serving as its lead organization. Funding is provided by Wolfson Children's Hospital, public and private grants and donations, and grants from Safe Kids Worldwide. Our mission is to bring together local organizations to address our area's pediatric injury prevention needs, and to prevent accidental injuries in children fourteen and under with initiatives directed at those needs.
Art with a Heart for Children works in conjunction with the Child Life Department to give children who are hospitalized an opportunity to express themselves through various mediums; their sense of pride and accomplishment helps them regain a sense of control.