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Preconception Care

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Sickle Cell Disease

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Every family looks forward to a healthy pregnancy and to the birth of a healthy newborn. And, for the vast majority of women, pregnancy follows a fairly routine course. But, for some, there may be unexpected difficulties and challenges along the way with a high-risk pregnancy.

Picture of an expectant mother, reading

Having a high-risk pregnancy means that a woman has a greater chance of complications because of conditions in her pregnancy, her own medical status or lifestyle, or due to external factors.

Many times, complications are unexpected and may occur without warning. Other times, there are certain risk factors that make problems more likely.

While many complications are unavoidable, with the help of your physician, you can minimize your risks and work toward the healthiest pregnancy possible.

Fortunately, advances in technology have helped improve the care of both mothers and unborn babies. Being as healthy as possible before becoming pregnant, and getting early and regular prenatal care during pregnancy, are important ways to take the best care of you and your developing baby.

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