2007 Art & Antiques Show
Wednesday, November 28 (opening night) - Saturday, December 1
You are graciously invited to join celebrities from the worlds of entertaining, etiquette and antiques at the 2007 Art & Antiques Show, Wednesday, November 28th - Saturday, December 1st, at the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center.
November 28th - Opening Night Preview Party
A Gala black tie evening will kick-off the 2007 Art & Antiques Show. The Patron's Preview Party, the glamorous opening night event of the Show, promises to be truly spectacular, and will feature imaginative decor inspired by architectural and design elements. Sumptuous food and wine, and lavish, candle lit banquet style food presentations will follow the Benefactor's Reception and Patron's Preview Party on Wednesday evening November 28.
November 29 and December 1 - Art & Antiques Show & Sale
The Art & Antiques Show, sponsored annually by the Womens Board of Wolfson Children's Hospital, highlights antique furnishings, decorative accessories, fine art, collectibles, rugs and jewelry from 50 top antiques dealers from around the country. There will be be a charming fashion show featuring children who are former or present patients at Wolfson Children's Hospital.
The Women's Board
The Art & Antiques Show is produced by The Women's Board of Wolfson Children's Hospital. The 325 members of The Women's Board are dedicated to the enhancement of the facilities and services at Wolfson Children's Hospital. Over $13 million has been raised by The Women's Board to ensure the Wolfson Children's Hospital remains state-of-the-art for ill and injured children.
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